Framing Statement 5/6

Learning Outcome 5 & 6

In my first writing project, project 1, I show MLA citing. In the final draft of the paper, I use the proper MLA format from the textbook The Little Seagull which is having the authors name then the page that the quote appears on. This is shown on page 4, where I cite a quote from Widdicombe about phytochemicals. In the citation I have Widdicombe then the page number that the quote was found on. This properly shows where and from whom you got the quotation from. Proper phrasing and explanation of a point is a local revision I had to work on in project one. In Project 1 Draft 1 on the second page, middle of the first paragraph on that page I make a statement “Soylent will be seen as a way to skip your daily meal and get to the dessert.” This statement requires further explanation and examples to describe what the purpose of this point is. So in my final draft, I take several sentences after that topic to describe what it is that the point is trying to make. Along with proper phrasing throughout my paper, there are proper sentences with low grammatical mistakes.