Standard 3

Standard #3 Learning Environments
The teacher works with learners to create
environments that support individual and
collaborative learning, encouraging positive
social interaction, active engagement in learning,
and self-motivation.


Jeopardy game (h), Kahoot

Games are a good way to connect with kids and promote collaboration between students and their teacher. It engages students by promoting the use of information that was provided to them, or information that they have put to memory, and work in a team, or individually, to obtain a common goal. These games can also be used to introduce a teacher or a student to a class in a fun and competitive manner. To encourage positive social interactions I went around the 8th grade and took a survey of what students liked to eat, watch, favorite video games, etc. and created a jeopardy game. Unfortunately the jeopardy game was deleted by the website, but it brought the students together to win a game that further explained their likes and dislikes.

Classroom Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

Placed above is a picture of my classroom SOP. These standard operating procedures were agreed upon and made in tandem with my students. We, as a class, worked together to come up with what we thought our ideal classroom should look like, and then we all signed the back of the SOP poster to seal our contract. Students and teachers collaborated in making the environment in the classroom as safe and respectable as we thought it should be. This action promotes positive social interactions, active engagement in learning, and encourages self-motivation.